Build Your Own IoT Platform in 24 Hours
This workshop will help you understand how IoT platforms work at their core and how one can build their own IoT platform in almost no time. If everyone can keep up with the workshop pace, their platform will be up and running during the workshop itself.
Objective of the workshop
Learn how to build own IoT platform quickly and economically
Who can attend this workshop?
- CTO/Founders of IoT startups
- IoT platform developers
- Anyone interested in getting hands-on experience on this subject matter
What all will be covered under this workshop?
- Platform fundamentals
- Block diagram of the IoT platform
- Design criteria and sequence
- List of services and APIs to be built
- Hands-on coding/development
Benefits/Takeaways of this workshop for the attendees.
- Understand how the IoT platform works at the core.
- How to build your own IoT platform.
- Build their own IoT platform during the workshop.
This workshop will also offer a free digital copy of my book "Build Your Own IoT Platform" worth $35 and Digital Ocean cloud credits worth $25 to the participants so that they can do it at their own pace after the workshop.
Pre-requisites to attend the workshop
- Participants should bring their laptops with internet connectivity for the workshop. You may attend the workshop without a laptop - but it won't be any fun.
- We will build this platform from scratch on an individual cloud instance, and it will have to be purchased by each attendee separately during the workshop. Besides that, all the software and tools would be open-source in nature, and no cost would be involved.
About Speaker
Anand is a serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, award-winning author, transformation specialist, and tech futurist. He is a polymath and a well-known expert in transforming ideas into reality, who loves helping others to leverage emerging technologies wisely to adapt to the disruptive future.

Anand Tamboli
Founder, Director, KNEWRON Technologies