Hands On Robotics Workshop for Beginners: Sense-Think-Act
The workshop will begin with the participants being familiarised with concepts of Robotics. Introduction, Live Demonstrations and Examples, understanding Robot Subsystems and underlying principles. Participants will be familiarised with various Robotics Components including sensors, controllers, motors, chassis, fasteners
Objective of the workshop
- Familiarise participants on the fundamentals of Robotics.
- Understand how sensors work, how data can be acquired from sensors.
- Use useful sensor data and developing logic.
- Be able to write a simple program to control motors depending on sensor data.
- Be able to control motor/ actuator, speed control, position control depending on the logic developed.
- Build and program an autonomous robot
Who can attend this workshop?
There is no prerequisite knowledge of Robotics/ programming required to attend the workshop.
Benefits/Takeaways of this workshop for the attendees
- A full robot kit shall be provided to all attendees to be used during the workshop and returned in same condition post workshop.
- The robot kit can be purchased after the workshop at a nominal price. Rs. 1250/-
- Individual components can also be purchased during the workshop.
- Workshop completion certificate will be provided by the end of the workshop.
Pre-Requisites for Course
Please carry an Android Mobile Phone/ Laptop for the competition.
Please install Arduino Software prior to the workshop. The software is available on https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software. Install the relevant version for your laptop. To use on an Android Phone, install ArduinoDroid app from Google Playstore. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=name.antonsmirnov.android.arduinodroid2&hl=en_IN Please carry an OTG cable along with you.
About Speaker
Brijesh is shockingly boring, in the sense this straight A's (right through the entirety of school mind you) student is an engineer! How shocking? Right? And that's when you realise there's more to him than just his marks (cards & grades). He's a bit of a round peg in a square. An entrepreneur by profession, an educationist in the waiting, a passionate teacher, a hustler who hardly turns down an opportunity a-la this talk/speech, a mad scientist and someone who grows water lilies on his terrace like its nothing.

Brijesh C A
Co-Founder, CEO, Just Robotics